Site Content Policy

The administrator of this site will not reject, remove, or censor any story posted to this site based on the story's content. No story shall be removed except for purely technical reasons (which will be worked out with the author so that the story can be reposted as quickly as possible), or due to a direct order from the site's hosting provider, a law-enforcement entity, or the story's owner.

We are aware that such a non-censorship policy means that some story submissions may skirt the edges of what is acceptable. Having said that, please be aware that it is not our intent, at any time, to violate the law. We are, however, not lawyers, and the laws are convoluted enough that we cannot credibly interpret them as they relate to fiction. Therefore, we will depend on others to inform us if and when a story violates the law. Any story that is reported to be in violation of US law, or the law of whichever US state is considered to have jurisdiction over this website, that story will be removed immediately, and the author will be notified of the violation. Please give us enough information to verify that the story is, in fact, a violation of the law.

Further, we take an extremely dim view of copyright violation and plagiarism. If someone has posted a story here which they do not have the rights to distribute, that "author" will be banned from the site as soon as we are able to verify the infringement. If you are submitting a copyright violation notice, please give us enough information to verify your claim.

If you need to submit a removal notice, for either copyright infringement or illegal content, please use the form below. We'll try to respond within 24 hours. Please note: If you are in law enforcement, please give us a way to verify that.

Addditional Contact Information:
(Please note that we will ignore any notice that does not have some form of valid contact information, so that we can respond.)

Reason for Removal Notice:
