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2015-Oct-13 @ 5:52 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5753

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I am Snowleopard,

Most of the stories I write are fantasy, with an occasional delve into the world of alternative history or warfare.

Of the fantasy genre, two main themes predominate - dragons, and cat-girls of all kinds. I enjoy writing about them, as it allows me a chance to bring to life creatures of legend, or of imagination, and present them to our own world. Many have complex lives, loves, fears and goals equal to any of us.

One of my favored expressions is this: "Dare to dream, and dream of dragons. For when you fly among the dragons, you have achieved your greatest of dreams."

In the time to come, I will strive to present a mixture of short stories, some in a 1000-word or less category, for your viewing pleasure.

Any commentary is greatly appreciated; this is the only way I learn where my strengths and weaknesses are. For being an author is only half of the story; the other is the readers, without which, our efforts are for naught.