Blowjob -- Lisa’s Memoir part 2

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2020-Oct-21 @ 9:39 AM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 779

Blowjob -- Lisa’s Memoir part 2

This story regards playing with urine, girls holding penises, and putting them in their mouths. It also involves boys gently and not-so-gently being pleasured by putting their penises in girls’ mouths and throats. Everything we do with one another, we do with love, but it isn’t always gentle.

There are people who feel that this author (Lisa) and her editor (Jamie) are rather “out there.” There are also people who apparently just plain don't like us. Being very personal, writing this story really only has value to the author if it can be told her way. We believe that we have been incredibly fortunate to have been the longtime emotional, physical, sexual, and romantic partners of our sisters and brothers mentioned in the story.

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2020-Oct-22 @ 12:57 AM
Member since 2020-Aug-8
Posts: 15

Again, interesting.

(posted from Chapter 1)
