Your Little Ladybug

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2021-May-15 @ 8:21 PM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 778

Your Little Ladybug

So this kind of just happened… These are the lyrics to a song written by Madeline Graham, a character created for Altered. Madeline wrote them 6 years before that story takes place, through tear-filled eyes, during a period in her life where Madeline is trying to raise a five-year-old child prodigy while simultaneously coping with her own mother’s progressing early-onset Alzheimer’s.

I don’t know how or why a character I invented for a work of erotica got me to write down heart-wrenching song lyrics about Alzheimer’s. Only that once I started, I couldn’t stop.

Caution: This may be upsetting to individuals who have watched friends and family members suffer from similar illnesses.

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