Brimstone - The Tales of Drakara Book I

(Serial / Novel - In Progress)

Rated XX
Originally Posted on: 2013-06-26
Last Updated on: 2014-06-20
Genre(s): Action , Drama , Fantasy , Horror , Science Fiction
Code(s) Used: bd, caution, coer, ds, first, inc, inter, mc, nc, reluc, rom, sm, solo, teen, ts, viol, voy, young
Pairings Used: fF, mF
Total Downloads: 8089
Units in Item: 11
Median Download Count: 612
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The Great Demon war has been over for quite some time now, and in our not distant future the world has changed. It is no longer a time for humanity, but a time for the vilest of creatures, the demons to rule. They have brought about an abomination to humanity, known as the Demorites a half breed that can think and act like a human, but contains all the strengths of their demonic parents. Brimstone is the tale of one part of one such Demorites journey into prominence. The Tales of Drakara are going be fraught with places no one would dare go in their wildest dreams, great evils will happen and darkest desires will be learned, shall you weather the journey as well as our hero, or will you succumb to your own desires far too soon.