Some Sort of a Hero

(Serial / Novel - In Progress)

Rated XX
Originally Posted on: 2015-04-22
Last Updated on: 2015-04-22
Genre(s): Action , Romance , Science Fiction
Code(s) Used: ds, first, mc, reluc, rom, teen, viol, young
Pairings Used: bf, bg, gm, mF, mf
Total Downloads: 3731
Units in Item: 6
Median Download Count: 554
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In this six part saga, which ranges from the comic to the tragic, college-age superheroine, Dinah Rosen (aka Dynamo) befriends Clayton Teller (aka Mindwalker) a perpetually horny adolescent boy with staggering psionic powers. But as the boy and his powers mature will he become an unstoppable villain or some sort of a hero? The tale unfolds with lots of psionically enhanced sex, action sequences and classic "coming of age" themes.