Talon Saga, Book 7: Lord of the Harem, The

(Serial / Novel - Completed)

Rated XX
Originally Posted on: 2016-03-28
Last Updated on: 2016-04-01
Genre(s): Action , Fantasy
Code(s) Used: first, inc, inter, reluc, rom, solo, teen, voy, young
Pairings Used: 3+, FF, MF, fF, fM, gF, gM, gf, gg
Total Downloads: 3963
Units in Item: 10
Median Download Count: 390
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Talon, once a demon of the wild, once a prisoner in the Dungeon of the Forgotten, has defeated King Andestor in fair combat and thereby claimed the throne of Sorathale. Recuperating from that battle in his new harem, he must learn to govern the kingdom not with fierceness and might, but with wisdom and compassion. The choices he makes will guide the destiny of Sorathale forever.

But that is not all. He still must complete his quest to rid his lover Elindra of the curse that plagues her. And that requires traveling through the Faewood to the Shadow World in order to confront the witch Thereya, who still has power over both their souls.