
(Serial / Novel - Completed)

Rated X
Originally Posted on: 2023-09-28
Last Updated on: 2023-10-09
Genre(s): Drama , Romance
Code(s) Used: first, rom, young
Pairings Used: MF, fM
Total Downloads: 257
Units in Item: 1
Median Download Count: 257
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You've heard of a May-December romance? Well, this is more like March-September. A man in the agony of loneliness finds salvation in his best friend, who happens to be a (young) girl also suffering the torture of isolation. This story is a FANTASY. Only in a PERFECT world would a young girl derive the sexual nurturing described here; and we will NEVER live in a perfect world. That being said, this is the story of two friends' loneliness driving and keeping them together, letting them stand strong and grow into... ahhh, much more and I'll introducing spoilers. Let's just use words like "warm", "tender", and "gooshy squishy romantic crap".