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2022-Nov-22 @ 3:28 AM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 787

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2022-Nov-24 @ 1:33 AM
Member since 2022-May-26
Posts: 54

Tales of the Road

I STRONGLY urge you to keep writing and I can see a relationship growing between these two people. Good luck.


2022-Nov-24 @ 5:02 AM
Member since 2022-Nov-22
Posts: 7

Thank you for the kind words.


Putting dreams and fantasies down on paper as it were is quite daunting. What I have written so far is largely extrapolated from real life experience or extensions of fantasies. Everything is fictional and while strictly heterosexual (so far) if met with positive feedback I may expand my subject matter. Thanks in advance hope you enjoy.