Abaddon Pale

The entire thread can be found here
2018-Sep-19 @ 7:45 AM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 787

Post General Comments to the Contributor Here.

Please read The Mystic Wolf Pub Critiquing Guide.

SITE CONTENT POLICY:  The administrator of this site will not reject, remove, or censor any story posted to this site based on the story's content.  No story shall be removed except for purely technical reasons (which will be worked out with the author so that the story can be reposted as quickly as possible), or due to a direct order from the site's hosting provider, a law-enforcement entity, or the story's owner.
2021-Dec-2 @ 9:31 PM
Member since 2021-Jun-27
Posts: 65

Your Cabal story is really good.  I do hope you finish it.  So many good stories on this site are left abandoned, please continue your adventure into life and beyond.


2024-Jan-2 @ 10:03 AM
Member since 2018-Sep-11
Posts: 31

Zmaybe wrote:

Your Cabal story is really good.  I do hope you finish it.  So many good stories on this site are left abandoned, please continue your adventure into life and beyond.

Thanks I have posted a bunch more Cabal in recent months and I am back to work on Bliss too


I have been a long time reader of erotica, but only recently decided to try my hand at being an author. I do come from an RPG background so have some experience with storytelling.

my favorite stories in the erotic genera include mind control, MDom, Inc and other very kinky elements. I feel if one is going to have a fantasy may as well make it as deviant as you can.