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#501 2020-08-03 20:16:01

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Eric I at least did not mention bombing because it is far more complicated than most people think and assumed the technical expertise did not exist nor the hardware. assuming this could be imported from earth you would have the maintenance problem you have brought up earlier.  Unless and I do not know--can you make a magical smart bomb? one that guides itself. If you could you wouldnt need airplanes make them fire and forget or from artillary

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#502 2020-08-03 22:22:48

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Gwen's batteries, earth movie cameras, and high power telephoto lenses would bypass divination blocking spells.



#503 2020-08-04 11:39:15

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

I find it amusing: the stuff you think is easy, is hard, and the stuff you think is hard, is easy.

Bombing is NOT complicated.  Laser-guided bombing is complicated.  Bombing is nothing more than dropping out of a plane something that will explode when it hits the ground.  Yes, precision will require something a bit more sophisticated than that, but David has already built bombs: modifying those for contact-detonation would be pretty easy.  Guidance could be handled with a spell.  It would require a bombardier onboard the craft, as he would have to guide in the bomb.  Not at all sure why you thought this needed to be more complex than this.

As to using an Earth camera:  Quick question:  Who's going to process the film?

Dugerrans have neither photo labs nor computers.  "Cameras" are completely foreign devices to them.  You would have to bring in the necessary equipment, the necessary chemicals, teach someone to operate it, and someone to maintain it...

And let's not forget that aircraft are moving.  A movie camera with a telephoto lens needs a rock-stable platform to shoot from.  So you're going to have to stabilize the camera mount, and you're probably going to need a high-speed camera, not a standard movie camera.  at 24fps, an aircraft moving at 100mph will travel 6 feet per frame.  That's not going to make for particularly clear images.  This could be helped somewhat by a tracking spell, but given the telephoto lens, high-speed film would still be your best bet.  And that means more film to process, compounding the issue.

A better option than a movie camera would be a still camera with a rapid-fire shutter.  High shutter speeds would reduce the motion blur.  However, you would only be able to use it in bright daylight, otherwise you wouldn't have enough light to see anything in the shot.  (This would actually be a problem for all methods...)  It would still have to be massively stabilized, and I'm not sure how easy it would be for someone to see anything through the viewfinder in order to know when to take the pictures.

I'm not saying these problems cannot be overcome.  It's just not a "plug and play" situation, like you implied it would be.

Eric Storm

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#504 2020-08-04 11:45:40

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

AND...  (he adds, just remembering something that occurred in an earlier book...)

There are "anti-recognition hexes".  These can obscure things even from the naked eye, thus making even a plain old camera, useless...

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#505 2020-08-04 11:55:57

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

In fact... (he adds in yet again...)

We know there are privacy fields.  All they'd have to do is enact one, and it would completely obliterate the usefulness of any kind of reconnaissance.  Oh, you'd be able to know where the enemy WAS (you hardly need any cameras or anything for that, anyway...), but you wouldn't be able to get any further information.

Yes, privacy fields also block your view of the outside, but that is easily solved by stationing guards right outside the field.  And remember that a privacy field WILL show you the outside, if what's outside represents an imminent danger.

So, again, my original point stands:  Aerial reconnaissance would work for only as long as it took the enemy to figure out what you were doing.

Eric Storm

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#506 2020-08-05 04:29:00

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Eric I normally allow you the last word but this time I have a few comments. Bombing effectively is extremely difficult and technical. especially at high altitude which would be required because as you said every soldier is an anti aircraft battery. I will use only basic suggestions here easily proven. airplanes are moving at altitudes where the ground is barely visible in detail. the math for ballistics is a nightmare. I had thought of the screening magic you had used before example scrambling the recorders. WW 2 the norden bombsight was highly classified because it worked. even with it the hit rate per bomb was really low they depended on saturation that makes for a big assed bomber which is even more a target. the infrastructure for all of this outside of magic is huge using your rules for the dugerrans they would not support this unless--my questions about magical smart bombs only kind feasible but without magic even further away from doable. I love your writing but this is a subject I did for a living

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#507 2020-08-05 14:59:52

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

I grant you every point you made, but why, exactly, did you completely ignore the other kind of bombing that avoids anti-aircraft fire?

If you don't want to get shot, you can either fly very high... OR you can fly low and fast.  Come in at treetop level, and they won't have time to hit you.  Given that a magical aircraft of this type would make minimal noise, you wouldn't even have to be going all that fast, because they'd have no warning you were coming.  This would vastly simplify the ballistics involved.  Your target is visible to you, and is much "bigger", since it's a lot closer.  Also, do remember that we're not necessarily talking about a "ballistic" weapon.  There's a wizard on the airplane: this could still be a guided bomb. (Though not sure you'd have much TIME for guidance, flying at, say, 100 feet above the ground...)

Now, I admit this is a different KIND of bombing.  The kind you were describing is strategic bombing, whereas I'm describing Close Air Support for the troops... but I think they would be more likely to focus on that, anyway.

I didn't reference this tactic earlier because we were discussing reconnaissance, and recon at treetop level is useless, since you can't see very much.  For bombing runs, you only need to see one thing.

There is also something else to be considered:  Because these magical craft are not being governed by the principles of flight, a CloudRider would be more like an Apache helicopter than an F-18: it would be capable of hovering, and turning at very tight radii, even slipping sideways, possibly.

In fact, this is the one way in which it COULD perform reconnaissance.  Imagine one of these craft with a periscope setup.  You hide behind some trees, and use the periscope to look over them, to see the enemy position.  This wouldn't be super-useful, given that the enemy is usually camped out in trees, making seeing them from a distance very difficult, but it would be an option at times.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#508 2020-08-05 18:30:14

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Terrain hugging would be extremely effective I think I discounted it because of the observation that every soldier was an anti aircraft battery. so while extremely effective it would still be deadly and honestly anytime you go where folk can shoot at you you just measure not discount the danger. I also agree it would be more effective with helicopter tactics rather than fighter jet. Would as you say work better with the sky rider type plane. I never intended to push recon real hard Eric It could still be done but the earth tech would require so much infrastructure as you said. Not likely dugerrans would put up with it. You only got them to accept Night vision because of the enchanted batterys

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#509 2020-08-05 18:51:25

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Well, and like I said, a simple privacy field completely nullifies any attempt at imaging-style recon.  (Any recon, really)

I agree that being close to the shooters is always dangerous, but the danger in this case is heavily mitigated by the stealth factor: Because the vehicle makes no noise, it would be very hard to know it was there in order to shoot at it.  By the time you saw it, you might get off a shot, but it's not going to be an aimed shot.  Not to mention, by the time you saw it, you'd also have to be worrying about the bomb it likely just dropped...

So, yeah, it's not gonna be "safe", but this is war: nothing's safe.  It would be something I think could be used to make a serious difference in the war.

And now you all get to ask yourselves if my strong defense of this tactic means I used it in the chapters you haven't read yet.  I'm so mean.  misch_smiley

3dbig_smile  3dtongue

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#510 2020-08-06 05:03:59

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

At a guess (Wild ass Guess) 1 out of 10 bombers will be hit. of couse in hard numbers that can be acceptable numbers. each bombing pass will likely create 10-20 casualtys per bomber. possibly more and this is war as you say really hoping you had used this guess we will wait to see sigh

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#511 2020-08-06 06:19:33

Registered: 2015-10-08
Posts: 23

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Geeze if you people want to talk bombs, heres what ya do. Have David go to Earth, ghost on to a military base and steal a nuke. Then activate it and shove it through a travel gate to the Were capitol. End of war. But this isn't what Eric wanted. Plus would have ended story way to soon.



#512 2020-08-06 06:31:24

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

If I remember correctly, Eric already argued against weapons of mass destruction on these forums.  In regards to dugerra anyway.



#513 2020-08-06 09:33:15

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Using a WMD against a civilian population is immoral, and voids your right to exist as a nation.

Eric Storm

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#514 2020-08-06 09:35:09

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The


Not going to dispute your 1-in-10 claim at all...  The 10-20 killed per bombing pass would, however, be highly dependent on tactics.  Weres due tend to cluster when fighting, making it easier to kill a large number with a single bomb.  Of course, it also depends on the size of the bomb.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#515 2020-08-06 09:45:45

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The


I'd also like to point out that "stealing a nuke" is a useless thing to do, unless you also happen to steal the arming equipment... AND the guys who know the activation code.  You can't just press a button to set off a nuclear bomb.

Eric Storm

PS:  There is also the fact that there isn't a travel gate IN the were capital...

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#516 2020-08-06 18:55:39

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Why not just use tripwire bombs, claymores and such.



#517 2020-08-07 00:42:54

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Ellesar my answer to that would be why when they have magical traps twice as effective? I am convinced though the answer will be a blending with earth tech and magic

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#518 2020-08-07 10:38:04

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Love the story so far, I understand it is finished, and don't want nor expect any changes based on my previous expressed opinion or from the following.  I'm just sharing my thoughts, if the war were to continue in some possible future story outside 'The Woodward Academy'.

First off, if at all possible, I'd like to clarify some things as to the flyers and other things in that post.  The addition of the rudder, attitude, altitude controls on the flyer was not intended to take away from the concentration/mental control of the flyer as demonstrated in the story so far.  And, I should have been clearer that I thought they would be useful for anyone else that ended up flying upside down to possibly correct that situation more easily then the tricky flight maneuver that David had to perform in the story.

Next, as to cameras from earth.  I'd never go with film cameras in the story, unless this story is taking place 20+ years before year 2020 in earth or whatever Dugerra's equivalent year is. High detail digital cameras from companies like Cannon or Nikon would make way more sense, unless there is some reason they wouldn't work in Dugerra.  Just make sure they have an SD card slot.  Next, give Gwen a top of the line laptop with a few extra laptop batteries for it and have her make a Gwen version of the battery for use in Dugerra.  Could it take her a while, probably, but I'm not sure it would take her more then a few months and probably not years to make.  Once that is done provide those that need them, like the Arkigos, a laptop and a bunch of Gwen's batteries for them.  If the laptop has an SD card reader built in, then your all set.  If not buy a third party media reader and plug it into the laptop.  Then anyone could look at the footage.  The Rimohr recorder, you brought up, I had forgotten about.  But it would be a nice addition, especially if it could also see and record the positional information from David's Geribaldi positioning device (sorry, forgot the actual name you gave it near the end of Year 7).  As to the anti-divination or anti-identification spells.  If I remember correctly, they never made the people invisible to the device but merely made them unidentifiable as an individual.  You should, most likely, still be able to tell a species, unless they are in human form.  But, identification of specific individuals in this case isn't necessary.  Location and numbers is what you want to know... so, anti-identification spells shouldn't matter.  Unless there actually is something that can make them totally invisible to the device and the Weres are able to actually cast that level of spell on a grand enough scale to be effective.  Development of such a spell would probably take time for one or more level 1 spell casters and you've indicated in past stories that they aren't as good at spell casting as humans. If there were spells that could completely defeat the Rhimor recorder, wouldn't the council of wizards work to defeat those?  The Rhimors are a force for the council of wizards, aren't they, and they are an overarching organization that all Dugerran governments must abide by to some extent or risk sanction and attack by every other nation that would like a piece of the offending nation.  Defeating one of their investigative tools might upset their level 1 spellcasters.  Also, computers are not completely alien to everyone in Dugerra, you have examples of people that do business in earth using them in your story.  The king just needs to conscript some of them.

As to bombing, the only thing I'd like to add to that conversation is 'incendiaries'.  Starting fires in and around the camps, especially in heavily forested areas with plenty of dry flammable material could be a highly effective fighting tactic and probably a demoralizing one too.  Especially if those were used to cut off an escape and threaten the flanks of the weres.  Setting their tents and other flammable structures on fire could also hamper them to a lesser or greater degree.

As to privacy fields.  So far, every description I've read in the story has them giving off some low level light as well as reflecting any nearby light sources.  Privacy fields on a battlefield would be highly problematic because of this.  Also, because they stand out and the purpose of such surveilance would be location more then identification of unit type or size, they would be practically useless because seeing them on that scale would just scream 'over here, come attack me or investigate me.'  It would also be problematic for those on guard duty without something like David's alarm button in the hands of the patrols outside the field.  I'd guess they reflect the sun as well and that would make them stand out against the much less brightly lit grounds around them.  It would probably make it so you could see them from much further away.  The only real use for privacy fields on the battleground would be as a trap, in my opinion.  As an example, build a fake base, stock it with explosive material.  Ammonium Nitrate and diesel fuel have been known to be highly effective for this.  Add in David's explosive cauldron as a trigger(s).  Erect one or more battalion sized privacy fields that beg to be attacked with roving patrols outside the privacy field(s).  At first contact, the roving patrol retreats through the privacy field, possibly using a warning button, and either activates the cauldrons with just enough time to run out the back side of the fake bases, or people waiting for the alarm from the privacy button activate the cauldrons and then skedaddle out the back side of the trapped base.  Provided the weres, in all their fervor, charge right through the privacy field among bunkers full of explosives, they've just charged into their mass grave.  Add in the possibility that a stray energy ball or lightning strike could set off the explosives as well and the weres could have a real problem.  If you followed it up with a real battalion or two in the area for mop up and you've got a potential huge loss for the Vrudenans.



#519 2020-08-07 15:14:21

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Barbarian3165 wrote:

High detail digital cameras from companies like Cannon or Nikon would make way more sense, unless there is some reason they wouldn't work in Dugerra.

Great, so now, instead of teaching someone how to use a photo developer machine, we have to teach them to use a COMPUTER.  This is a non-trivial task.  And yes, they could conscript people to operate those computers for them, but that, too, is a non-trivial task.  Now you have to find someone to do the job that those conscripts were doing.  AND you have to find people you can conscript who will pass scrutiny for security clearances, since image analysis is always one of the most-highly classified parts of intelligence gathering...

As to the anti-divination or anti-identification spells.  If I remember correctly, they never made the people invisible to the device but merely made them unidentifiable as an individual.  You should, most likely, still be able to tell a species, unless they are in human form.

And see, this is where one of the repeating problems comes in.  Not just with you, but with everyone who discusses this stuff.  You assume that the form of a spell you've seen in the story is the ONLY form it can take.  Anti-divination spells and anti-identification spells are entire CLASSES of spells.  You've seen... one or two of them.  And the ones you've seen have been done at levels considered "competent", but not "masterful".  You SHOULD assume there are much stronger versions of virtually every spell you've seen done.  The anti-identification spell used in book 4 obscured the identity of a single person, yes.  A stronger version of that spell should be able to obscure an entire area.  (But, as you'll see later in this message, this is a moot point, anyway...)

But, identification of specific individuals in this case isn't necessary.  Location and numbers is what you want to know... so, anti-identification spells shouldn't matter.

And with one sentence, you nullified the entire discussion, altogether.  For location and number, you do not need a visual record at all.  You can simply fly over and estimate.  Position could be grabbed through use of the GPS (Garibaldi Positioning System).  The only purpose of a visual record is image analysis for details.  Therefore, if you have a spell that could obscure the details, it eliminates the usefulness of image analysis.

If there were spells that could completely defeat the Rhimor recorder, wouldn't the council of wizards work to defeat those?

No.  The only laws that the Rimohrs enforce for the Council of Wizards are not laws that require investigation.  It's pretty damned obvious, for instance, that the Vrudenans started a war.  That's not something you have to "investigate".  You sure as hell don't need a recorder to figure it out.

The Council of Wizards does not impose some kind of international law on citizenry.  The rules they enforce are directed at nations.  The Rimohr office was not formed to enforce CoW law.  It was formed to prevent wizards from evading the laws of nations through the simple expedient of moving through a travel gate or crossing a line on a map.

As to privacy fields.  So far, every description I've read in the story has them giving off some low level light as well as reflecting any nearby light sources.  Privacy fields on a battlefield would be highly problematic because of this.

You have seen exactly ONE privacy field spell: Apraka sajona.  So, you assume that every privacy field spell looks like that?  This is a continuation of the issue above:  You make the assumption that the only spells in existence are the ones I've written down.  That's ludicrous.

However, if you like, I can side-step even this, with magical techniques already evidenced in the story.

Why not just use an illusion spell?  You could completely obscure even the existence of the base by simply making it all look like trees.  Given that they caught David and Vivian in a solid-illusion trap, we know that the weres have people good enough to pull off these kinds of illusions.  An illusion is going to completely defeat something based on pure light gathering (ie, a camera).  A good illusion will even fool most wizards.

Before you ask, why wouldn't they be hiding them this way already?  The answer is simple: they don't need to, and doing so uses up energy.  But if the enemy could suddenly see you from miles and miles away?  The energy expenditure would immediately become worth it.

And this pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin of any sort of reconnaissance effort by air.  As I have said repeatedly, it would work for only as long as it took the enemy to figure out you were doing it.

Eric Storm

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#520 2020-08-08 15:17:17

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Eric Storm wrote:

And see, this is where one of the repeating problems comes in.  Not just with you, but with everyone who discusses this stuff.  You assume that the form of a spell you've seen in the story is the ONLY form it can take.  Anti-divination spells and anti-identification spells are entire CLASSES of spells.  You've seen... one or two of them.  And the ones you've seen have been done at levels considered "competent", but not "masterful".  You SHOULD assume there are much stronger versions of virtually every spell you've seen done.  The anti-identification spell used in book 4 obscured the identity of a single person, yes.  A stronger version of that spell should be able to obscure an entire area.  (But, as you'll see later in this message, this is a moot point, anyway...)

Eric Storm

I do not know why this had not donned on me Eric I hope I am not guilty of this too often but I need a touch of time thinking this out.  I am usually good at catching pertinent facts in a narritive not sure why this slipped through And no I understood a few posts ago why Recon would not work

Last edited by ChiefRock (2020-08-08 15:18:52)

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#521 2020-08-08 16:22:05

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Yeah, the recon thing wasn't really aimed at you, Chief.  You and I were discussing the bombing stuff.  Barbarian was still talking about the recon stuff.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#522 2020-08-09 02:24:47

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Barbarian3165 wrote:

Love the story so far, I understand it is finished, and don't want nor expect any changes based on my previous expressed opinion or from the following.  I'm just sharing my thoughts, if the war were to continue in some possible future story outside 'The Woodward Academy'.

First off, if at all possible, I'd like to clarify some things as to the flyers and other things in that post.  The addition of the rudder, attitude, altitude controls on the flyer was not intended to take away from the concentration/mental control of the flyer as demonstrated in the story so far.  And, I should have been clearer that I thought they would be useful for anyone else that ended up flying upside down to possibly correct that situation more easily then the tricky flight maneuver that David had to perform in the story.

As to bombing, the only thing I'd like to add to that conversation is 'incendiaries'.  Starting fires in and around the camps, especially in heavily forested areas with plenty of dry flammable material could be a highly effective fighting tactic and probably a demoralizing one too.  Especially if those were used to cut off an escape and threaten the flanks of the weres.  Setting their tents and other flammable structures on fire could also hamper them to a lesser or greater degree.


Barbarian a few things. Remember the flight controls added do not really help this vehical fly think helicopter instead of aircraft. I see you caught the magical part about concentration but physics are physics the split s maneuver mentioned is the approved way out of inverted flight if a snap roll does not work David tried one and was warned against the other. Next try was a maneuver used to recover from a flat spin on winged aircraft {Eric where did you find this) I never worked On Helos but understand this maneuver will help them recover from inverted which VTOL and Helos do not do well. I have never seen this trick described outside of a Natops manual kudos on your research David.

As to incendiaries yes they are effective but physically fusing them is a real bitch and honestly why? forget magic? all you gotta do is put your wizard in place with a wand fireballs weigh nothing to carry and a good wizard can probably fire a continuos stream of them. Speaking of which David wouldn't bombs be redundant also? put the wizard and a wand in place unlimited ammo gotta love it

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#523 2020-08-09 07:13:53

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The


I'll take the kudos, but not for my research.  I actually thought that maneuver up on my own.  On the other hand, there was a period of time where I was VERY into airplanes and helicopters, so thinking about flight maneuvers comes easy to me.  (If I had eyes, I'd have been a pilot... probably would have shot for an AH-64 pilot in the army...  That whole "landing on a bucking postage stamp" thing makes me nervous... 3dbig_smile )  I was "into" it enough that, though I can no longer remember the acronym, I know what a NATOPS manual is.  3dsmile  (Something like Naval Training and Operations?  I forget...)

As to why use bombs over just aerial wand-waving:  Two reasons.  First, magic does eventually run out... or, more precisely, the wizard becomes fatigued and is no longer capable of controlling it.  So they could only do that for just so long.  Second... speed.  To continuously fire at the ground, you'd have to loiter.  With a bomb, you drop it and just keep going.  A loitering aircraft is easier to shoot down.

Can you see the dogfights in your head like I can?  I see a version of the scenes from Independence Day, with wizard blasts streaking left and right, up and down...  Aircraft banking wildly, stopping in mid-air and darting off in a whole new direction...  pew pew pew!!!!  3dbig_smile

I think I might need sleep...  3dsmile

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#524 2020-08-09 23:50:15

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standards. Yes my Job was on the flight deck and I loaded armed and launched the weapons NATOPS works out to be the pilots Bible Since the plane is a weapon with a plane wrapped around it I used the natops some

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#525 2020-08-15 05:23:27

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Yes Eric I can see the dogfights. early in my career if you took the time to qualify for an ejection seat and would sign a waiver you could hitch rides with willing pilots on certain exercises and missions. I have been back seat on weapon runs and escape and evade exercises on two different aircraft. F-4 Phantom and TA-4 Skyhawk . They will not allow this anymore because unless you are drawing flight pay they feel the liability is too rough. pew pew indeed

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



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