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#751 2018-07-02 19:48:06

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

ChiefRock: First off, American generals don't have magic as a tool to use, which would make such "unorthodox tactics" much easier to make workable.  More to the point, these are not necessarily "unorthodox" tactics for a wizard war.  You have to stop thinking of this as tanks-and-guns, infantry-and-artillery.  This is far more about being sneaky, and clever, and finding ways to trick your enemy into doing something you can take advantage of.  The reason is simple: a wizard is like every weapon in a modern army, all rolled into one small package.  When the line of troops standing in front of you can resemble anything from infantry to direct-fire volley to artillery battery, "normal" tactics just aren't going to work.

Eric Storm

Your world your war your rules And while the rules applied to war here do not take into account magic it does not follow that generals in dugerra do not have applications that they use to plan war there I was not trying to put earth rules in dugerra just trying to assist as you requested. And truth is truth otherwise SunTsu would not still be used to train modern generals nor Napolean be used as an example for Modern war every War the rules change but they also remain the same But I am not getting my points across so will shut up now

Last edited by ChiefRock (2018-07-02 19:54:09)

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#752 2018-07-02 19:52:12

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Is Gtharsis even concerned about their travel gates?  If all of Dugerra assumes that the werewolves won't go into earth for any reason, then it would be a good tactic.  It may only work once and the force would know it is on basically a suicide mission.  But a couple thousand werewolves sacrificed in this manner could force Calamandia to split it's forces.  They would now have to actively patrol their southern border until Gtharsis agreed to actively shut and monitor it's travel gate(s).  As long as the werewolf force in the south stayed on the move, it might be kind of hard for them to be found.  But they could wreck havoc across the southland raising the panic and fear level inside Calamandia.  Heck they could even play nice in Gtharsis and actually pay to write those glide-busses north to a point near but out of sight of the Calamandian border.  If they have to, the werewolves fight their way across the border... But again if it isn't expected why would they really have to?  Wipe out the Calamandian border crossing but leave the Gtharsis station alone.  After all they would want someone from Gtharsis to call Calamandia.  If the werewolf force has strong anti divination magic applied to them, then tracking them might be harder, especially if they didn't use the roads all that often.  Also, once the fear sets in of an attack from the south, it forces Calamandia to split it's forces until Gtharsis and possibly all nations south have their gates secured.

You've also mentioned in your story, historical naval invasions at least at or near Mt. Woodward.  Why not another one heading further south.  Maybe land just north of Florida, not on the Florida peninsula anyway.  A force there marching around causing havoc would also be a pain to Calamandia and further draw down on it's forces.

I'm not sure I'd call a damn break a WMD.  They do happen in real life after all.  As to the terrain allowing this, I'm not sure.  I am reasonably sure there are some tributaries feeding some of the larger rivers in the North Eastern part of the U.S.  It wouldn't even have to be a major tributary if they were willing to wait.  Heck, with a force thee times the size of the Calamandian force, why would they use it right away.

added thought:  If the force(s) in the south, while unimpeded, turned the villages they attacked instead of killing them that might make an even bigger problem for the Calamandian army and government.  Throw in a little intimidation like, "your now one of us, they will kill you.  Either fight with us or die."  You could even selectively target who get's turned and who is left alive.  Turn the young men and tell them that if they don't serve them their parents will be executed and their sisters will be used as breeding slaves.

Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2018-07-02 19:59:19)



#753 2018-07-03 01:17:26

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 139

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Speaking of travel gates, is there a method of adding NEW travel gates? If so and even if it is a difficult process, I'm thinking the Weres can travel to Earth, install a new travel gate and use it to invade Callamandia.

Presumably, the travel gates are man-made because they tend to be located around populated areas on Earth (if memory serves. I mean, I don't rcall there being a travel gate in the middle of the forest or desert). If they are man-made, there has to be a way to add more. If this is possible, it can be used as a strategic advantage in a number of ways.



#754 2018-07-03 03:01:27

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Barbarian3165 wrote:

Is Gtharsis even concerned about their travel gates?  If all of Dugerra assumes that the werewolves won't go into earth for any reason, then it would be a good tactic.  It may only work once and the force would know it is on basically a suicide mission.  But a couple thousand werewolves sacrificed in this manner could force Calamandia to split it's forces.  They would now have to actively patrol their southern border until Gtharsis agreed to actively shut and monitor it's travel gate(s).  As long as the werewolf force in the south stayed on the move, it might be kind of hard for them to be found.  But they could wreck havoc across the southland raising the panic and fear level inside Calamandia.  Heck they could even play nice in Gtharsis and actually pay to write those glide-busses north to a point near but out of sight of the Calamandian border.  If they have to, the werewolves fight their way across the border... But again if it isn't expected why would they really have to?  Wipe out the Calamandian border crossing but leave the Gtharsis station alone.  After all they would want someone from Gtharsis to call Calamandia.  If the werewolf force has strong anti divination magic applied to them, then tracking them might be harder, especially if they didn't use the roads all that often.  Also, once the fear sets in of an attack from the south, it forces Calamandia to split it's forces until Gtharsis and possibly all nations south have their gates secured.

Hmm.  Both of your immediate-northern neighbors are at war with an aggressor nation.  That aggressor nation's southernmost border is only 320 miles from your own border.  Do you heighten your security level?

Only if you have a brain.  Instability in the region is always a reason to increase security.  Just because it isn't expected does not mean it isn't possible.  Keep in mind that Gtharsis and Callamandia are allies.  Gtharsis has reason to watch Callamandia's back: if the weres beat the humans, how likely is it that the gnomes are going to stop them?  It is in Gtharsis' best interest to, at the very least, keep their travel gates closely monitored.  And, chances are, a Callamandian security agent would probably also be watching the travel gate(s) at all times, as well.

You've also mentioned in your story, historical naval invasions at least at or near Mt. Woodward.  Why not another one heading further south.  Maybe land just north of Florida, not on the Florida peninsula anyway.  A force there marching around causing havoc would also be a pain to Calamandia and further draw down on it's forces.

While this is possible, don't you think that, since it IS a historically known tactic, that Callamandia would have prepared for it?  A simple system of civilian lookouts stationed along the coast at one-mile increments would be sufficient to note any incoming threat.  The weres would be able to do damage for a little while, but would be contained and destroyed fairly quickly.  (Why destroyed?  No logistical chain.)

I'm not sure I'd call a damn [sic] break a WMD.  They do happen in real life after all.

Asteroids hit planets in real life, too.  Does that mean that one race using a mass driver against another race's planet, bombarding it with asteroids, is not using a weapon of mass destruction?  WMDs are nothing more than weapons that kill a very large number of people with a single deployment.  Killing thousands of civilians by destroying a dam would, by definition, be a weapon of mass destruction.

added thought:  If the force(s) in the south, while unimpeded, turned the villages they attacked instead of killing them that might make an even bigger problem for the Calamandian army and government.  Throw in a little intimidation like, "your now one of us, they will kill you.  Either fight with us or die."  You could even selectively target who get's turned and who is left alive.  Turn the young men and tell them that if they don't serve them their parents will be executed and their sisters will be used as breeding slaves.

So... let's think this through.

First, you turn a young adult male.  Say, 21 years old or so.  Full of testosterone already, you have now just made him stronger, faster, and even more aggressive than he already was, by making him a werewolf.

Next, you tell this aggressive, testosterone-filled youth that if he doesn't do what you tell him, you're going to destroy his family.

Then you hand him a weapon, and expect him to aim it in an appropriate direction.

You would never, not ever, not even for one minute, be able to turn your back on these "soldiers".  Their primary thought would be how to fuck you over in the worst possible way.  Their goal would be to get your sorry ass killed in battle.  If he could kill you himself during a battle without getting caught, he would.  And you're going to do this to not just one person, but dozens?  Hundreds?  Your enemy will thank you wholeheartedly for building a self-destruct device into the middle of your own army.

Also, there are already werewolves living in Callamandia.  They are Callamandian citizens.  No one is going to buy the notion that being turned is a death sentence.

The only way in which this tactic would work is to use some kind of brainwashing technique.  And I'm thinking that using mind control on enemy noncombatants to turn them into allied soldiers just might be against international wizarding treaty...

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#755 2018-07-03 03:04:37

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

No, travel gates are NOT man-made.  Did it ever occur to you that, within the Dugerra universe, the reason those cities are there is because of the travel gate, and not the other way around?

I'd also like to point out that the travel gate in Eureka, IL is in the middle of an empty field outside of town.  Yes, inside a shed... you would want to protect it visually somehow.

No, it is not possible to add travel gates at all.  They are fixed points of magical connection between the two worlds.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#756 2018-07-03 20:50:55

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

No, travel gates are NOT man-made.  Did it ever occur to you that, within the Dugerra universe, the reason those cities are there is because of the travel gate, and not the other way around?

I'd also like to point out that the travel gate in Eureka, IL is in the middle of an empty field outside of town.  Yes, inside a shed... you would want to protect it visually somehow.

No, it is not possible to add travel gates at all.  They are fixed points of magical connection between the two worlds.

Eric Storm

When this was posted I thought of the secret portals found in Davids attic (WAY6 Jan) As I recall they were not really movable and were somewhat dangerous which is why they had been classified My gut says they are not usable here but cannot think why

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#757 2018-07-03 21:30:12

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

The portals in David's attic are not movable, either.  And in order to use one, you first have to find the focal node in the magical web closest to where you want it, figure out if you can connect it to a focal node near where you want the other end of the portal, then construct the actual portal-opening device.  Portals can only connect between directly-connected nodes on the magical web, so their usefulness is limited.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#758 2018-07-04 20:02:19

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 139

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

In response to your request for unorthodox or unusual tactics for the Vrudenans to use against the humans:

Okay, so no new, CREATED travel gates. However, could you work a newly discovered travel gate into the war that the Weres can take advantage of? I'm thinking of the following scenario: While wolves can climb trees, it is not something they do well. It would stand to reason that Weres would avoid the practice much like they avoid bodies of water. However, given the preparations for the Callamandian war, they train in all things human. Being able to swim and climb trees is SOP for soldiers in the Vrudenian military. Let's say during said training, they use an old tree to climb and discover a previously unknown travel gate. The reason it has been undiscovered is that 1) like the portals in David's attic, the tree portrals are off the ground thus less likely to be known and 2) they are located in Were country in an area popluated by those less inclined to be up in trees.

Can you do anything with that, Eric?



#759 2018-07-05 00:43:46

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Portals != Travel Gates  (In non-computer terms, that's translated to "A portal and a travel gate are not the same thing.")

Furthermore... exactly what good would another travel gate within Vrudena do for the Vrudenan army?  They've already got four of them on their own soil.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#760 2018-07-05 03:24:25

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 139

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

exactly what good would another travel gate within Vrudena do for the Vrudenan army?  They've already got four of them on their own soil.

I keep thinking back to the concept of deception and how the Weres cause their magic to get places they aren't supposed to be in Callamandia. Think back to WW2 and how spies would use fake papers, disguises, information and trickery to get into enemy territory. If the normal routes to Callamandia are guarded/unavailable, any new route would benefit the effort infiltrate. My thinking - the newly discovered travel gate is available from Vrudena to somewhere in the US. Obviously, there is no restriction for travel within the US so the Vrudenan soldiers can move to a US to Callamandia travel gate and use deception to get into Callamandia. Perhaps they can do so a little at a time, amassing a sizable group to take strategic Callamandian targets. Since the Callamandian army wouldn't know (or even think it possible) they are there, they would be less likely to be prepared for an attack.

Trying to think outside of the box here.



#761 2018-07-05 12:20:04

Registered: 2010-12-31
Posts: 191

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Thinking about the idea of metamorphosis, some of the Vrudenan army could metamorph into like sized animals and travel behind the lines and follow the Army, wait until an attack, morph back in their hybrid form and wouldn't have to be a fast morph either, change back 1/2 mile from the battle and then attack from the rear. You have already said that a similar sized change is easiest, if they become forest animals (of some unassuming type) and pass the Army for a rear attack, it would achieve at least a good surprise attack.



#762 2018-07-05 12:53:58

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 139

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Not a bad idea, StoryJunkie. In every war, there are traitors and spies. A Callamandian citizen who is loyal to Vrudena could transport any number of animals from the US to Callamandia. That is, unless there is a restriction or method of confirming they are normal, non-morphed animals, something you think they'd be on the lookout for, especiallly during a war. Another Callamandian citizen (in Callamandia) who is also loyal to Vrudena could place an order for pigs or cows so there is legit paperwork to bring animals form Earth into Callamandia.



#763 2018-07-05 19:10:06

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

bigfoot wrote:

Eric Storm wrote:

exactly what good would another travel gate within Vrudena do for the Vrudenan army?  They've already got four of them on their own soil.

I keep thinking back to the concept of deception and how the Weres cause their magic to get places they aren't supposed to be in Callamandia. Think back to WW2 and how spies would use fake papers, disguises, information and trickery to get into enemy territory. If the normal routes to Callamandia are guarded/unavailable, any new route would benefit the effort infiltrate. My thinking - the newly discovered travel gate is available from Vrudena to somewhere in the US. Obviously, there is no restriction for travel within the US so the Vrudenan soldiers can move to a US to Callamandia travel gate and use deception to get into Callamandia. Perhaps they can do so a little at a time, amassing a sizable group to take strategic Callamandian targets. Since the Callamandian army wouldn't know (or even think it possible) they are there, they would be less likely to be prepared for an attack.

Trying to think outside of the box here.

Okay, let's make this very simple:

First off, one of the Vrudenan travel gates already leads to the US.  Given the small portion of Vrudena that overlaps the United States, it would be very unlikely for there to be another travel gate that close by.

Second, EVERYONE passing through a travel gate is going to be magically scanned.  Weres can look human.  Therefore, you cannot depend on appearance to judge this kind of thing.  Therefore (again), you would make damned certain that the person in front of you is not a were.  "Sneaking" any number of people through a travel gate is an absolute non-starter.

But why, exactly, would they need to?  The Callamandian border with Vrudena is nearly 1300 miles long.  Do you honestly think it's possible to close that off entirely?  If they used the entire Callamandian Army, they'd only be able to position one person every 342 feet...  And if the Vrudenans took the expedient of marching down into Mirelia first, there's another 375 miles of border to choose from.  Sneaking into Callamandia is going to be child's play for a small unit.  Could you assemble a larger force this way?  Difficult, due to time constraints, but possible... and you wouldn't need any new travel gate to do it.  Nor would you have to depend on a third party to "look the other way" while you marched through their nation (Mirelia and Vrudena are also at war, so an invasion there is just part of the hostilities.)

StoryJunkie wrote:

Thinking about the idea of metamorphosis, some of the Vrudenan army could metamorph into like sized animals and travel behind the lines and follow the Army, wait until an attack, morph back in their hybrid form and wouldn't have to be a fast morph either, change back 1/2 mile from the battle and then attack from the rear. You have already said that a similar sized change is easiest, if they become forest animals (of some unassuming type) and pass the Army for a rear attack, it would achieve at least a good surprise attack.

This is one of the best uses for metamorphosis I've seen recommended yet.  Thank you.

bigfoot wrote:

Not a bad idea, StoryJunkie. In every war, there are traitors and spies. A Callamandian citizen who is loyal to Vrudena could transport any number of animals from the US to Callamandia. That is, unless there is a restriction or method of confirming they are normal, non-morphed animals, something you think they'd be on the lookout for, especiallly during a war. Another Callamandian citizen (in Callamandia) who is also loyal to Vrudena could place an order for pigs or cows so there is legit paperwork to bring animals form Earth into Callamandia.

...and then you try to spoil it by talking about travel gates and Earth again.  Let me say it again: EVERYTHING passing through a travel gate in the middle of a war is going to be scanned.  Large orders of animals would be immediately suspect - let's keep in mind that there are more kinds of weres than just wolves, and we have already SEEN wereoxen.  No, if they were going to pull this attack, they wouldn't even need any kind of special infiltration force.  Just take a portion of the invasion force, have them morph into deer, and just walk past the humans, keeping to the woods.  If the humans saw them, the weres could simply act like deer and move away, and the humans would find that entirely normal for deer.  There is zero need to involve Earth in this kind of attack whatsoever.  It plays out much more reliably without it, in fact, as some kind of plan that moves Vrudenans through travel gates would depend on exact timing of whatever was going on... and that's just setting yourself up for failure.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#764 2018-07-05 23:07:41

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 139

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

EVERYTHING passing through a travel gate in the middle of a war is going to be scanned.Eric Storm

Got it. I suppose I was thinking there had to be a way around that given the relative ease with which wizards get through travel gates. I don't recall reading there was anything like a TSA airport checkpoint, just an "invisible" wall to walk through and a few hellhounds to catch the misplaced humans. Who does the actual scanning and how are they detained?



#765 2018-07-06 00:17:03

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

You haven't read about a wizard nation at war before.  Normally, the threat from a travel gate is exposure of magic to non-wizards.  When there is a greater threat than that, only a fool wouldn't increase the security measures taken.

Given that the concern is a military one, the scans would be performed by the king's security services.  How are they detained?  How is anyone ever detained?

You cannot use your impression of what you've seen, security-wise, to judge what is possible in the middle of a war.  Reasonable people scale their security measures to guard against the reasonable threat at the time.  Bigger threat means bigger security response.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#766 2018-07-07 16:39:10

Registered: 2010-12-31
Posts: 191

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

Sneaking into Callamandia is going to be child's play for a small unit.  Could you assemble a larger force this way?  Difficult, due to time constraints, but possible... and you wouldn't need any new travel gate to do it.  Nor would you have to depend on a third party to "look the other way" while you marched through their nation (Mirelia and Vrudena are also at war, so an invasion there is just part of the hostilities.)

StoryJunkie wrote:

Thinking about the idea of metamorphosis, some of the Vrudenan army could metamorph into like sized animals and travel behind the lines and follow the Army, wait until an attack, morph back in their hybrid form and wouldn't have to be a fast morph either, change back 1/2 mile from the battle and then attack from the rear. You have already said that a similar sized change is easiest, if they become forest animals (of some unassuming type) and pass the Army for a rear attack, it would achieve at least a good surprise attack.

This is one of the best uses for metamorphosis I've seen recommended yet.  Thank you.

Large orders of animals would be immediately suspect - let's keep in mind that there are more kinds of weres than just wolves, and we have already SEEN wereoxen.  No, if they were going to pull this attack, they wouldn't even need any kind of special infiltration force.  Just take a portion of the invasion force, have them morph into deer, and just walk past the humans, keeping to the woods.  If the humans saw them, the weres could simply act like deer and move away, and the humans would find that entirely normal for deer.

Eric Storm

This is kind of what I was saying....suddenly having 15 or 20 enemy attack from the rear while engaged in a fight would be very surprising, and by only having 15 or 20 at a time would not be too difficult to slip around a force and morph back after the fight starts it is a much more viable means for surprise attack.

I remember what you wrote about the Vrudenans not knowing Earth and the small possibilities they would have trying to travel through the gates.

I wish I could come up with some more, but the way my brains has been failing me ever the last few years (CO2 build up is bad people) I have a hard time even remembering last week let alone try to think of devious ways to attack people lol

heee heeee yeah, I helped a little!!! 3dcool every bit of praise I get...I'm gonna go buy me a treat lol



#767 2018-07-07 17:12:30

From: Second star to the right
Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 91

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I think part of my problem with this whole line of reasoning is my impression of weres.

Using the example in the last chapter of WAY7, even suffering massive defeat, they refused to back off.

This makes me think of them more like berserkers. Even leading up to the war, they weren't exactly subtle about what was going on and what they were planning

For the most part, I'm having a problem finding any place where they were sneaky or underhanded. Instead they seem to be more of the "throw massive amounts of bodies at a problem" type of people.  Sure, they are bastards and will play with their food given the time, but they don't really seem to have the patience to plan intricate strategies.

With a 4 to 1 advantage, their superiority complex, and their over the top aggressiveness, they probably already feel like they have a huge advantage. And wizardry IS NOT their strong suit

I tried to imagine a whole gang of homicidal steroid junkies laying around patiently waiting for their sworn enemies to wander by without a clue. I'd imagine instead you'd have (at least) one or two of them who would break and spoil the whole damned surprise

Now, wholesale slaughter of innocent villagers?!?! I have no problem visualizing that. Even taking things to the extreme and mirror broadcasting them eating babies... yup... can see that as well.


This is why I'm a reader and not a writer *hats off*

Last edited by fathertyme (2018-07-07 17:13:04)



#768 2018-07-07 18:41:53

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The


Your view of werewolves is highly skewed, and ignores some rather important facts already in evidence.  Like the fact that the weres have been negotiating ahead of this war for well over a year.  Or the fact that werewolves were spotted prowling the forest north of Mt. Woodward well in advance of any sort of hostilities.  Or, hell, the simple fact that they've employed any strategy at all.

Werewolves are aggressive, yes, but they are not unthinking, nor are they completely barbaric, which you seem to believe them to be.

Werewolves have a basic two-stage approach to warfare.  The werewolves are patient, as wolves are patient.  They will wait for the appropriate time to make their attack.  However, once battle is engaged, the werewolves are highly aggressive, and do tend to lose sight of any formal plan.  They also fear showing weakness: running from a battle where the odds started out 100-to-1 in their favor would look like sheer cowardice to anyone not there at the battle.

Your notion that some of the werewolves would break ranks and attack early... this would get them summarily executed, so I'm pretty sure they could hold themselves in check.  One thing about werewolves is they don't allow insubordination.

Also, you need to go back to math class.  60,000 versus 20,000 is not 4 to 1 odds. 

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#769 2018-07-11 23:15:28

Registered: 2015-04-22
Posts: 8

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I want to say I'm with chiefrock in that you should really look for tactics that are at least similar to what the real world uses if you want the most believable story.  Humans have been killing each other in groups for a LONG time and most good tactics have been used before.

I would recommend reading plot summary of Bernard cornwells books.  He is a very good historian who writes historical war novels which closely follow what actually happened. He has written something like 40 novels covering  different periods of warfare,  I would think the Sharpe series which follows British warfare from 1800 to 1813 has like 25 well written examples of battles  most of which the British were outnumbered.

Good luck

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#770 2018-07-11 23:40:30

Registered: 2015-04-22
Posts: 8

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Also you say they do tend to lose sight of any formal plan.
Do you mean that they fight mostly as a group of individuals once the battle is started?  IE would complex troop formations  and mid battle changes in orders from the general wouldn't work for them? 

If so you should definitely use that for how they lose the war.  A well organised trained and led army that fights as a group will usually beat  much larger forces that use uncordinated mass Attack style stuff

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#771 2018-07-12 02:28:23

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Okay... once again... let me explain why Earth tactics are not likely to work on a Dugerran battlefield.

When an Earth general creates a battle plan, he has intelligence information.  It says, "Okay, the infantry is here, backed up by these two tank brigades.  The artillery is back here, and the reserve tank units are here."  He then proceeds to develop a plan based on attacking the composition of forces he's facing.

Now, how well do you imagine an Earth general's plan would hold together if, all of a sudden, all of the enemy's infantry suddenly started firing tank rounds, and the artillery units up and moved like they could just walk away?  What if that reserve tank battalion turned out to be a waiting artillery unit instead?

That's what a Callamandian arkigo, or a Vrudenan arkigo-equivalent, is facing: any soldier could be anything, at any time.  There is no way to tell, just by looking, whether that collection of one hundred enemies is going to act like infantry, or if that's an "artillery" company, set up for long-range attack.  AND, even if you could figure out what their original assignment was, that assignment could CHANGE at the drop of a hat.  Your infantry could suddenly start attacking with tank-like weapons, then fade back and act like an artillery barrage while the soldiers who were the artillery suddenly start acting like infantry... or tanks!

Further, you're facing an enemy for whom deception isn't just a likely tactic, it's second nature.  They can produce believable illusions of thousands of troops in places where there are... two, three people.  It doesn't require the kind of resources it would for an Earth general, who would have to devote an entire company to creating such a "ghost unit".  Disinformation on the battlefield isn't a risk, it's a guarantee.

Earth war tactics have changed drastically every time there has been an upgrade in the weapons of war.  The warfare of the late 1900's in no way resembled the warfare of the Civil War era, because the weapons had made those tactics fatal, and futile.  Having said that, Earth has never faced weapons anything like what Dugerrans can individually produce.  Why would you expect them to use tactics that resembled anything ever used on Earth?  Oh, sure, the basic concepts: cut off their supplies, attack from the flanks, divide the enemy's forces, or surround and conquer... these are all basic concepts, but the way in which they get applied has always been dependent on the weaponry in use at the time... And Earth has no concept of the weapons that wizards can bring to bear in a fight.

In any case, I have all of these scenarios that I need for the book.  If someone has a neat idea for one, I'll happily listen, of course, but this part of the planning phase is completed.  As to how the weres lose the war... well, that's making one hell of an assumption on your part, isn't it?

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#772 2018-07-12 05:12:44

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I for one get your message. further looking at your other writings (rons journey) it is obvious you have little to no respect for earth Generals.  You had asked for ideas and we were trying to give them to you. We used earth battles merely as examples, not because we cannot think of magical battles but because those tactical lessons are truth not just earth truth. Sun tsu wrote 2k years ago that a winning general knew himself and knew his enemy, Is this not still true? does it not apply to fighting with spears as well as aircraft? Why would it not also apply to magical battle. Of course the rules for magical battle are different but the truths remain and there is a wealth of information in studying historical war, you just pull out the tactics and apply the parameters of your and your enemys armys. Eric I am afraid this is a blind spot you have but let it go as I said your war your rules etc. I still enjoy your writings, biggest reason is because  you usually do a very credible job of building well thought out scenarios so I am still and will remain a fan

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#773 2018-07-12 06:33:55

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Oh, so I have a blind spot?  I'd like you to take a look at what you just said, and compare it to what I originally asked for.  I quote:

ChiefRock wrote: just pull out the tactics and apply the parameters of your and your enemys armys. [sic]

Eric Storm wrote:

I am looking for ideas for tricks or traps that the Vrudenans will use against the humans.  These should be things that would be considered unorthodox or unusual tactics.  (So, not something like, "They used a pincer movement to surround the troops, and then..." because that kind of thing is just a standard military tactic.  I'm looking for... well, weird.)

I'd like you to note something very important above: The thing you are telling me to "update" with my own army's parameters... is exactly what I was asking for.

Sun Tsu is about strategy.  Following Napoleon's lessons is about strategy.  It is quite true: strategy doesn't change a whole lot from war to war, in its grand concepts.  There's just one problem:


I very, VERY specifically asked about tactics.  Battle-level combat maneuvers.  I was not after suggestions for the wider war, or for how to win the war, or in fact how to fight "the war".  I wanted ideas on how the Vrudenans fought a single battle, or, in fact, not a battle at all but how they might in some way trick the humans, giving the Vrudenans some kind of advantage.

In all of your commenting on this particular topic thread, you haven't, in fact, given one single idea that met the criteria I outlined in my original question.  NOT ONE.  All you have offered is suggestions that I shouldn't even be looking at this sort of thing.  You did, I admit, offer one useful suggestion, but it was not in any way unorthodox or unusual, so it still doesn't meet the criteria of the original request.

I might also point out that, when I phrased my request to ask for "unorthodox" tactics, I intended for that to mean unorthodox to us.  It did not necessarily have to be a tactic unusual to the Vrudenans.  As I have repeatedly attempted to point out, magical battle would not in any way resemble Earth-style combat.  But that is not about the grand, over-arching strategy of war-fighting.  That is about COMBAT.

ChiefRock wrote:

Sun tsu wrote 2k years ago that a winning general knew himself and knew his enemy...

This comment fails on two fronts.  First, it isn't in any way related to the request for ideas that I made, and second, generals do not usually lead battles.  They lead huge groups of men, or they lead wars.  Battles tend to be led by colonels or lower.  This highlights my point: you never bothered to understand the question I was asking, and just blithely answered the question you thought I should have asked.

And, for the record, you owe me an apology for that comment about my respect for Earth generals.  You haven't the first fucking clue how I feel about the armed forces, especially our own.

You mention CAMP, and yes, the generals in that book gave a rather poor showing.  And they probably would in real life, too.  People, in general, do not react well to the truly novel.  Things that they have never experienced before do not integrate quickly into their thinking.  To expect them to smoothly transition from thinking about combat between tanks and planes, to thinking about combat between people just randomly flying around on their own... for the vast majority of them, that isn't going to work well without re-education.  They will continue to try to force their old thought patterns on the new situation.  This is standard human psychology.  Generals aren't suddenly immune to this phenomenon because someone pinned some stars on their shoulder.

In the case of Woodward, I have repeatedly tried to explain to you that it is the tactics of combat that I am interested in, and the strategy isn't even of consideration in this discussion.  Yet you continue to try to force your thought patterns about what this discussion should be onto a situation which is not what you apparently wish it to be.  Let me be as blunt and frank and (hopefully) clear as I can be one final time:

I do not give a flying fuck about the strategy of the Vrudena War, as far as this conversation is concerned.  This conversation was started for one purpose, and one purpose only: to gather ideas for unusual tactics the Vrudenans might employ.  That's it.  I never had any need to discuss anything other than that.  Nor did I have a desire to.  That you consider this a "blind spot" shows your own bias in the conversation.

Now, do you have anything constructive to say (that is, something that works toward the goal of fulfilling the request made at the start of the conversation), or not?

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#774 2018-07-12 16:29:50

From: North Carolina, US
Registered: 2014-01-04
Posts: 107

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I haven't posted in awhile because of life and all that nonsense but my suggestion would be to look at the so called "Indian Wars" of 19th Century US. When the US started pushing Native Americans out, the natives were at a technological disadvantage. After they proceeded to get better weapons and equipment they were on more even footing. Yet they still used roughly the same tactics they always had. Strikes and raids were the order of the day for the natives because that is what they knew and that was what they were good at. In the end they ended up losing only because of how small a individual tribe was and the general unease of joining with other tribes.

By and large most wars have the same basic principles of strategy, but tactics are something that is hard to plan for if you don't know the situation or field of battle. Some people are better at raids and others at large scale battle. The situation is still the same if you don't know the situation and AoE.

For the Weres they seem like raiders and scorched earth types. The Callamandians seem more versatile and able to quickly adapt (similar to modern US military.) That being said a versatile military is usually not truly great at any one thing. With obvious expectations.

My suggestion for the Weres is large scale diversion and feints, While striking at key positions elsewhere. For large battles (if any) I suggest encirclement. If I were the Weres I would avoid large battles though and go for strikes and raids. Weres' ego doesn't seem like it would be able to ignore a taunt or obvious threat though. Which means the Callamandians might be able to draw them into a battle.

Sorry for the long post and probably useless one at that. I just had to get that out of my system. Feel free to tear it apart and tell me why. Hopefully I will be able to help you better then.

I wish you and yours well and hope the stress lets up.

Last edited by Archangel1962 (2018-07-12 16:31:11)

BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams
Im a lover, a fighter, I'm a UDT Navy SEAL diver. Last of the bare-knuckle fighters.
No muff too tough, I dive for five, tuck, suck, fuck, nibble and chew.I dine and interwine, masturbate, ejaculate and copulate.Been around the world twice, and talked to everyone once. Seen two white whales fuck, and been to two pigmy picnics.Met a man from Nantucket with a marble head and wooden cock, and ladies, if you dont like my face you can sit on it.



#775 2018-07-12 16:34:35

From: North Carolina, US
Registered: 2014-01-04
Posts: 107

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Btw Scary thought Weres in armor

BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams
Im a lover, a fighter, I'm a UDT Navy SEAL diver. Last of the bare-knuckle fighters.
No muff too tough, I dive for five, tuck, suck, fuck, nibble and chew.I dine and interwine, masturbate, ejaculate and copulate.Been around the world twice, and talked to everyone once. Seen two white whales fuck, and been to two pigmy picnics.Met a man from Nantucket with a marble head and wooden cock, and ladies, if you dont like my face you can sit on it.



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