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#1201 2019-07-14 03:25:33

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

How is it coming with the stories these days?



#1202 2019-07-14 04:18:15

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

Just waiting on reviewers...

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1203 2019-07-14 04:57:00

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

I kind of figured that, I was referring to your current writing. Had good days or has it been rough going? In case things are starting to be a struggle for you, remember this cat, at least your not him.

Eric Storm wrote:

Just waiting on reviewers...

Eric Storm



#1204 2019-07-14 05:15:28

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

How'd you get video of Stormy???!!!  Oh, wait... I don't have a cat door.  And Stormy doesn't have any white on him.  But he's certainly that fat...


I've been kind of stuck on one scene in WAY8-4, and I also haven't been feeling well the last few days, so the writing has slowed significantly.  I'm sure I'll be back to it soon.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1205 2019-07-18 04:58:22

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

Well, after a six-day hiatus, I've started writing again.  Finally got past the scene that was stumping me in WAY8-4, so here's to hoping that will start going more smoothly.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1206 2019-07-18 06:03:23

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

That's great to hear. How is it coming with those slow poke reviewers of yours?

Eric Storm wrote:

Well, after a six-day hiatus, I've started writing again.  Finally got past the scene that was stumping me in WAY8-4, so here's to hoping that will start going more smoothly.

Eric Storm



#1207 2019-07-18 08:03:10

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

One appears to be completely gone, which worries me.  I'm giving the other one more day.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1208 2019-07-18 08:12:47

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

By the way, anybody want to buy a LinkSnappy membership voucher?  I have one that's good for 90 days.  I have no use for it (as I already have a paid membership).  The thing is worth $30.  If you're interested, send me an email.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1209 2019-07-19 02:32:51

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2013-08-18
Posts: 256

Re: Writing Status

What's LinkSnappy?



#1210 2019-07-19 03:24:17

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

I was going to ask that but instead I googled it. It’s basically a super efficient way to download/share files.

darthel0101 wrote:

What's LinkSnappy?



#1211 2019-07-19 03:48:28

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

I didn't bother explaining that because if you don't already know, then the likelihood that you could make use of the voucher is almost zero.

But to be more specific than Elessar, it is referred to as a "multi-hoster".  You can use LinkSnappy to download files from a whole bunch of filehosts, such as RapidGator and TurboBit, without having to buy a premium subscription to each and every host.

It also has a bittorrent ability built in, so that it will download a torrent, and then you download the file directly from LinkSnappy.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1212 2019-07-19 03:51:31

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

I am assuming it has been a full day with these reviewers.



#1213 2019-07-19 03:54:00

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

Elessar wrote:

I am assuming it has been a full day with these reviewers.

Impatient bastard, ain't ya?

It's not like it's a WAY8 chapter that we're waiting on.  It's AC-7.  And once I do decide they're done with it, I still have to do a final proofread myself.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1214 2019-07-19 04:06:01

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

You are significantly faster at a review than they are.

I am enjoying this story quiet a bit. The tension in the family and curiosity has me curious as to the way it will play out.

WAY is a great story, however, I don’t expect the next chapter for another couple weeks.

Eric Storm wrote:

Elessar wrote:

I am assuming it has been a full day with these reviewers.

Impatient bastard, ain't ya?

It's not like it's a WAY8 chapter that we're waiting on.  It's AC-7.  And once I do decide they're done with it, I still have to do a final proofread myself.

Eric Storm



#1215 2019-07-19 04:30:43

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Writing Status

It is not just ellasar Eric I am approaching 70 and do not have any other entertainment than reading. I follow you and 3-4 other website authors plus amazon for new releases of certain authors. all this and I still read myself totally out of certain genres . So when I find a certain series like AOC or WAY I wait---patiently---for next chapter

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#1216 2019-07-21 02:32:26

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

Update for July 20, 2019:

Agent of Change, Chapter 7, has been posted to PRM.
Agent of Change, Chapter 1, has been made public.

WAY8-4 still continues slowly.
AC-8 is well underway.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1217 2019-07-21 02:56:41

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

See?  No one cares.  It's been up twenty minutes and no one's commented on it.  Sheesh.  That's it, I'm just gonna pull the whole site.  Screw it.  I'm done.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...


Eric Storm


Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1218 2019-07-21 03:40:20

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2013-08-18
Posts: 256

Re: Writing Status

I think the only ones who would really react that quickly are those with NO life except haunting this site or who just happen to check in right after you post.

I tend to wander in and out, but ...



#1219 2019-07-21 05:26:34

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

You know, I noticed that no one had posted a reply... means I had to be here...


What are you trying to say, darthel?

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1220 2019-07-21 11:24:37

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Writing Status

He is saying, that I am busy watching castle reruns... now back to my regularly scheduled DVR programming.  😚



#1221 2019-07-26 21:11:02

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

Just checking in to make sure the pen is hitting the paper so to speak. Hope the chapters are flying for you.



#1222 2019-07-27 02:53:14

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5763

Re: Writing Status

I have never written my stories with pen and paper, thank you very much.

As to how the stories are progressing, WAY8-4 just surpassed 10,000 words.  AC-8 is going to be at a bit of a standstill, as I haven't plotted out more of the chapter yet.  I'll be doing that in the next day or so, in order to keep that chapter moving forward, as well.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#1223 2019-07-27 05:21:57

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

Well, that sounds pretty promising. It sounds like in about 2 weeks we will have another chapter of one or the other. Personally I am really looking forward to the next chapter of AC as the story is heading in a really interesting direction.



#1224 2019-08-03 01:35:31

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 397

Re: Writing Status

Just stopping by to see how things are going.



#1225 2019-08-15 11:47:50

From: Madison, WI
Registered: 2007-07-19
Posts: 155

Re: Writing Status

Eric Storm wrote:

Impatient bastard, ain't ya?

Yes I am.



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